I know this is strange but I enjoy washing, no really I do! - When I was a teenager my family called me the "Washing Machine Queen." - Not sure what brought this on, but I think it's getting all my clothes
clean that makes me happy. The end result of clean smelling clothes is so comforting to me. I don't like the folding, ironing or the putting away part, just the washing and hanging out the washing.
It truly is amazing how much washing I have to do now with S around, some days I still have to change her outfits 2-3 times, especially after she decides to not eat all her meals just to wear it instead. Plus I have the on-going washing of her nappies aka diapers. I normally wash the latest pile every 3-4 days. While the washing is on, I normally get into "busy bee" mode and want to clean something else in the house. Most of the time this doesn't happen since S decides to chase me around and wants to play.
Having a routine helps alot, I divide the clothing into dark, light, whites, towels and or sheets. Then when the pile is big enough to do a large load (I hate wasting water by doing tiny loads) I put them in the machine and let it do the job. All my hand washing, items I wash in cold and place my bra's, S socks, tights in a mesh bag so we don't have only 1 sock at the end - since socks do have a natural habit of disappearing. My theory is that they like to separate from their partner for a while & have a break! I do miss not being able to put clothes out on a line to dry from the sun, our subdivision won't allow clothes lines, so I hang my clothes to dry in the basement on clothes drying racks so sometimes our basement does look like a laundromat.Cloth diapering/nappies are fantastic, I recommend them to anyone. OK it probably is easy for me being a SAHM to maintain the current nappy supply, but still more people should give it go. I've noticed S only gets bottom rash when in
Some extra work is needed with cloth diapers, you may have to change your baby more often. Generally they can't hold as much liquid has disposables but they don't stay in the land fill for 50 years. Each to their own, but even if one person buys a couple of cloth nappies to start with that would be less disposables for them to buy and less landfill for the environment.
Well time for me to tackle my ironing monster, which is closely related to my other monster - the washing monster!
1 comment:
Hi Colette, I like washing days too! I will happily give you the marmalade recipe...please may I have your email? Just drop me a line at diana (at) blue (hyphen) earth (dot) co (dot) uk and I'll email you back. Warm wishes, Diana ...and thanks for dropping by my blog
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